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Where Will Man Take Us?: The bold story of the man technology is creating by Atul Jalan : Book Review.

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:November 20, 2019
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Author: Atul Jalan
Publisher: Penguin India
Rating: 4/5


Where Will Man Take Us?: The bold story of the man technology is creating by Atul Jalan is a wonderful book that tells about how technology has been a boon and curse for a man.

It’s about nanotechnology, robotics, humanoid, Artificial intelligence. The author shares about different technologies and different peoples, scientist, researchers and many other things.

I loved the idea of the book. It has a wonderful message. I loved how the author narrated the information.
It’s a well-researched book with some data and facts that will surprise you.

The way the author conveyed every detail with so much depth is commendable. The writing style of the author is gripping and up to the point. The language used by the author is simple and relatable. With every chapter, the author makes the reader curious about many coming facts.

Where Will Man Take Us?: The bold story of the man technology is creating by Atul Jalan :  Book Review. technology books, non fiction books, penguin india books, non fiction by penguin India, bookstagram, vidhyathakkar, vidhya thakkar, book blogger, reviewer, Review,vidhya thakkar, book review,  book review, crime books, Vidhya Thakkar- Indian blogger, Mumbai blogger, book blogger, Book blogger Mumbai, Book blogger India, lifestyle blogger, product reviewerVidhya Thakkar- Indian blogger, Mumbai blogger, book blogger, Book blogger Mumbai, Book blogger India, lifestyle blogger, product reviewer, Mumbai book blog, bloggerVidhya Thakkar- Indian blogger, Mumbai blogger, book blogger, Book blogger Mumbai, Book blogger India, lifestyle blogger, product reviewerVidhya Thakkar- Indian blogger, Mumbai blogger, book blogger, Book blogger Mumbai,

Divided into 5 parts the author covers the topics like Science, Computing, blockchain, mankind and many others. He tells about how man was and how he is now. How technology is affecting Man mentally and Emotionally.

Topics like What role can religion play today, What is Happiness, Personal Data ownership, Matchmaking are some of my favourite chapters from this book.

There are many chapters which are an eye-opener for the reader. It’s a bit heavy read so take your own time to understand. This book has a strong message that one needs to get.

Overall, A wonderful book.

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The first person who will live to be 150 years old has already been born.
The screen that we peer into will soon be within us.
We could soon be taking happiness pills before breakfast.
The perfect partner might need to be charged before bed.

This is a new world we are walking into. And the man who began this journey won’t be the man who ends this journey. Where Will Man Take Us? explores the changes technology is bringing about in us as a society and as a species. What will the next generation turn into, what will it be like, how will the new Adam and Eve live and love?
In this book, Atul Jalan tackles nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and genetics, seamlessly weaving the future of technology with the changing dynamics of human love, morality and ethics.

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